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Yoga with Jane

S T . T H O M A S, U S V I R G I N I S L A N D S


Into the Mystic Retreat

Jan. 4th, 2019

A mindful adventure and exploration into the heart of nature...  

A day spent kayaking through one of St. Thomas' marine mangrove sanctuaries. The retreat offered hiking, swimming, snorkeling and meditation.

This sanctuary provides a playground in which we play in harmony in a pristine, clear lagoon which twists and turns until it meets the Caribbean Sea at False Entrance, a reef that separates the Sea from the lagoon. We walked gently upon the earth along the Cas Cay (aka Happy Island) trail to a majestic blowhole at the edge of the tiny island's southern peninsula.  

Some chose to swim; others chose to snorkel - and were immediately rewarded with unafraid, curious creatures: a plethora of fish and corals. There is a family of Octopi that call the lagoon home. We meditated and connected with each other and all that is.  The great outdoors offers a sanctuary like no other: peace, calm, a very real, felt sense of harmony and interconnectedness with it all.

Check out the schedule for upcoming retreats…

Recent retreat to the East End Marine Sanctuary. Sign up for new, upcoming retreats on the schedule page.


You are the sky. Everything else --

it's just the weather.”

— Pema Chodron

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Into the Mystic Retreat 2

Jan. 20th, 2019

Another perfect day in paradise!  

13 Mindful Adventurers joined us for our flow into nature, BEing curious, appreciating the gift of our beautiful, yet fragile planet. Come back to this page to see the Drone footage next week - amazing perspective from up high, thanks to the uber talented drone driver and nature man, Malik Hunt. 

The next Into the Mystic Retreat is scheduled for Sunday, March 3rd. To reserve your spot RSVP here:


"May your time in nature, lead you to yourself"

— Shikoba

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Water Island Wellness Retreat

Feb. 13th, 2019

Gentle Yoga, a Chef-Prepared farm/ocean-to-table dining experience & a Golf Cart Island Tour! 

From 8am-2pm eight guests started their day with a ferry ride over to Water Island followed by light breakfast, a 90 minute yoga practice, a golf cart tour around the island and finally ended the afternoon with a fresh and fabulous lunch prepared by resident Chef Dominik Horl at 4 Elements Culinary & Wellness Center.

Check out the schedule for upcoming retreats!