
For me, the practice of Yoga always brings me home. The ancient wisdom and science of Yoga deeply resonates for me, and millions across the world:  “One Truth, Many Paths” speaks to respect, dignity and space for all.

Yoga provides us with a portal, through which we move towards a deeper understanding of ourselves, each other and our greater purpose within the world.

Whether you practice yoga for exercise, deep relaxation, meditation, all of the above, or simply to take time just for you, a regular yoga practice delivers better health in body, a clear and focused mind, and an overall sense of wellbeing. Even minutes each day, can do wonders - radically transforming one’s state of being. With a five minute daily practice of mindful movement, muscles soften and relax. Five minutes of mindful breathing, expands our capacity to breathe more deeply, and calm the nervous system. Five minutes of meditation, enables the thinking, planning, strategizing, judging, busy mind, to quieten down, and relax.

I feel deeply grateful for having been introduced to this transformative practice fifteen years ago; and to the many extraordinary teachers I've been blessed to study with. My journey began with a desire to maintain a strong, healthy body; to get to know myself, my true self, really well; and feel like I was "home." This is LOVE in a practice.

I look forward to sharing yoga with you in private, group, public classes, workshops, retreats. If you’ve never tried yoga, just come as you are. Let go of judgement, expectation.

You are enough, whole, beautiful as you are.